High School / Elite Freestyle
Freestyle Wrestling Practice
High School and Elite wrestlers are goal-oriented, training year round. With sights set on state/national titles, national rankings, and college scholarships, these young athletes are highly motivated. We love what we do and we love to do it well. Expectations are high: Integrity Focus Hard Work An excellent work ethic, self discipline, dedication, and personal responsibility are just a few of the attributes demanded of our High School / Elite Wrestlers. At this stage, training must be taken seriously to accomplish these high-level goals and our athletes are expected to conduct themselves accordingly, both in and out of the training room. This means consistent attendance and being a good partner in the room. Wrestlers are expected to push themselves and their partners, stay focused and work hard, taking themselves and their training seriously. Paying close attention to instruction is mandatory. Wrestlers are responsible for their cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility for injury prevention, eating a proper diet and getting adequate rest. Coaches are here to support, but you are your own responsibility. Competition is a big part of our lives, now, and we are grateful for the opportunity to compete. Achieving high level goals demands conduct that sets you apart from the crowd. We expect our wrestlers to hold themselves to a higher standard. We seek quiet, professional, gracious conduct and humility from our High School / Elite group, especially during competitions. This includes choices made outside of training. Academics are a priority - we strive to be Scholar Athletes. We are also expected to abstain from illicit drugs and alcohol as there is no room for their use in a serious athlete's training regimen. We are Quiet Professionals. As High School / Elite wrestlers, we mentor youth wrestlers and assist with coaching, giving new breadth and depth to our own understanding of the sport. This program is not for everyone. Part of our role is to teach, encourage and model the excellence we insist upon. We will counsel and reserve the right to suspend or remove wrestlers who are consistently inattentive, unfocused, late to practice, choose to use drugs and alcohol or conduct themselves inappropriately.